Get involved in the life of the church!
Our team's mission is to exemplify Christ’s love by amplifying the Great Commandments + Great Commission throughout Hosanna! We pursue this mission through the Visitor and New Member experience, and by offering Evangelism-focused educational opportunities—such as the Alpha course—as well as book study programs. |
Our team’s goal is to strengthen stewardship in the life of Hosanna! through effective Biblical stewardship and financial education opportunities, caring for the finances in a professional and responsible manner, communicating the financial status effectively to members, and maintaining a high level of trust with the congregation. We accomplish this through five mailings a year, annually prepare financial reports for council, monthly prepare and review financial statements, maintain funds entrusted to Hosanna!, and so much more!
Property & FinanceOur team’s goal is to provide a safe, inviting, and welcoming physical environment so that the building and grounds are used for God’s glory. We strive for this by monitoring and overseeing the interior maintenance and/or enhancements of the physical building and grounds by reviewing contracts with regard to the property, maintaining the schedule for mandated inspections and preventative maintenance, compiling cost assessments for major building components that may need repairs/replacement, and coordinating with the Church Council in regard to the finances necessary to complete the work. |
Prayer & CareOur team’s mission is to exemplify Christ’s unending care and prayer for others. We provide this through ongoing support of not only members but those in the community by our individual teams. These teams include: TLC “Tender Loving Care” that provide meals, funeral reception assistance, bereavement bread, etc.; Knitting/Crocheting that provide prayer shawls, batismal crosses, etc.; College Care Ministry that provides care kits, cards, etc.; Cancer Treatment Gift Bags; Prayer Ministries that provide prayer chains, postcards, etc.; Support Groups; Stephen Ministry; and more! |
HospitalityOur team’s goal is to create a welcoming environment where all individuals feel valued, loved, accepted, mirroring Christ’s unconditional love. We strive for this by greeting every individual who walks through the church doors, collaborating with other ministries in the life of the church, providing resources and support for those in need, training volunteers to serve in various capacities to support the ministries, and so much more! |
Technology & MediaThis ministry lends specialized support to church services and events, setting a standard of excellence in all things audio, video, lighting, and IT. Our goal is to use technology and media in ways that amplify and communicate God's Word. If you have experience with or an interest in sound, graphics, lighting, or technology and would like to get involved, drop us a line by using the form below! |