What Can I Expect from Small Groups & Bible Studies? Expect to begin some new relationships. During your time together, you'll have the opportunity to begin new relationships. Expect to learn something new. A small group should always point you toward Scripture. As you study God's Word and apply it, you'll learn more about God and one another. Studying Scripture is "useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us" (2 Timothy 3:16, MSG). Expect not only to learn something new, but also to discover your next steps for growth. Expect to have an opportunity to serve others. As you get to know others better, you'll begin to understand their needs, and this gives you an opportunity to serve them. For instance, you might provide treats or pray for others in the group. Or you might help a group member with a project, or simply listen to someone going through crisis. Expect to get back what you put into your group. This is true for just about everything in life and it's true of your time in a small group. Make the most of your time together by sharing in a transparent way. Come to meetings prepared, having read the study passage, and you'll have more to offer to the discussion. If you attend regularly, you'll develop deeper trust and relationships. Small group should be fun and help you move forward in spiritual growth. God created us to live together in life-giving biblical community. Biblical community takes transparency, commitment, and an openness to God's leading. Come to small groups expecting to grow, to learn, and to care for others.