As we learn, grow and strengthen our faith together. Small Groups are open for anyone to attend. Please contact the church office if you would like to start a new group or if you have questions about an existing group.
Hosanna! In Motion Join us for a free 5k on the second Saturday of each month, alongside Hosanna! members and fellow community participants. The event includes a run or walk, followed by about 30-minutes of fellowship and study. The walk starts at 8:00am from May to September and at 9:00am from October to April at Cornerstone Lakes Park, 2199 Smith Road, West Chicago. There is also a 1.5 mile walk or run option.
Widows in Christ Widows have the opportunity to come together to share laughs and fellowship. This group meets once a month at a local restaurant to eat together and enjoy each other's company. It is a great group of ladies who love God and love to share this time together.
Knitting Group Our Knitting Group meets Wednesday evenings during the school year at 6:30 PM. All levels of experience are welcome. Knitters can work on their own projects or can knit Prayer Shawls used by the Hosanna! Prayer and Care Team to give comfort to those in hospitals or recovering.